The Administration of the school creates a vacancy of jobs for the outsiders or for the existing school employees. A potential candidate can apply for the job through the school's website.
The Admin creates the job vacancy by following the below methods:
Go to Menu >> Recruitment
Step 1. Select Manage jobs available under Recruitment module and then click on Create job
Step 2. Fill the description of the job and click on Save Changes.
The next step of the recruitment process is to decide the hiring stages for the job. A potential candidate has to go through various stages to get the job.
Step 1. Click on Hiring Stages available under Recruitment. Select Add New Hiring Stage to create different stages of hiring.
Step 2. Add the description of the hiring stage and click on Save Changes.
The next step of the process is to briefly mention about the vacancy of the job.
Step 1. Select Job Requisitions. Click on Add New Job Requisition.
Step 2. Fill the description of the job in detail. And click on Save Changes.
Job Requisition title: Mention the profile of the job.
Status: Select the status of the job. If the vacancy is open select open, if the vacancy of the job is closed select closed. If it is pending, select pending
Type: a job vacancy can be created for internal as well as for the external candidate or for both, which can be selected from Type dropdown.
Job type: Select the department to which the job belongs.
Job title: Mention the title of the job.
Active from-Active to : Mention the dates till the job vacancy is available for the candidates.
Job location: Mention the location of the job.
Job categories: Select multiple job categories for the vacant job.
Required Experience : Mention the required experience for the job.
Degree: Select the required qualification for the job.
Contact Name: Mention the Name of the person who should be contacted for further enquiry.
Contact Number: Mention the phone number of the authority who should be contacted for further enquiry.
Contact Mail: Mention the email id of the authority.
Job description: Describe the profile of the vacant job.
A Recruitment process for a job is completed with this. Any potential candidate can apply for the job from the school's website.