USM allows you to add a lesson planner for the students. A Lesson Planner can be added by the Admin as well as by the Subject Teacher. Click on the menu bar available on the top right corner of the home screen.
Step 1. Click on the Manage App Data available on the menu. Lesson Planner is available under Manage Subjects module.
Step 2. Fill Academic session, Batch, Class and Subject and add a lesson planner by selecting Add Lesson Planner available on the top right hand corner of the screen.
Step 3. Selecting Add lesson Planner will guide you to the next screen where you can enter lesson details such as Lesson Name, Subject, duration etc. Click on Save Changes to save your planner.
Step 4. Once you have saved the Planner, click on Add topic to add topics to your planner.
Step 5. Enter Topic details such as Name of the topic, start date and end date and also select the status of the lesson. Click on Save Changes to save your plan.
One can also change the status of the topic from Planned to Progress to Pending to Completed by selecting Status available on the above mentioned screen.