Once the candidate has submitted the test, a report card of the candidate is generated automatically.
This feature is available in Online exam module which can be accessed by clicking on the menu bar on the top right of the screen.
Step 1. Click on the menu bar on the top right of the screen and select the Online Exam module.
Step 2. Click on the Manage Report module to access the report of the candidate/student.
Step 3. Click on Test Report under Manage Report module. The user can see the details of the test such as Test name, Maximum Marks, Total Candidates, Class Average, Topper's Marks etc.
Step 4. Click on the Question Report under Manage Report module to see the statues of the question of an online test given by the student/candidate.
Step 5. A candidate's report can be accessed by selecting Candidate Report under Manage Report module. The user has to feed in the email id or the enrolment number of the candidate or student to get access to the report. It shows the candidate's/students's marks of an online Test.
Step 6. Click on the Status Report to see the status of an online test. It shows the total no. of candidates appearing for the test as well as the no. of candidates who has submitted the test or the no. of candidates still giving the online test.