USM allows you to add online tests for the students. One can also add candidate to this exam. This feature is available in Online Exam which can be accessed by clicking on the menu bar on the top right of the screen.
Step 1. Click on the menu bar on the top right of the screen and select the Online Exam module.
Step 2. Click on the Manage candidate module and it lets you to import candidate data into USM.
Step 3. Click on the Group option in Manage Candidate module. This enables the user to add a group of candidates for an online exam by clicking on Add Group available on the the right hand side of the screen.
Step 4. Add Group allows the user to add two different types of group to the online test. The Internal is the group for the existing classes in the school and the External is for the new applicants.
Step 5. Click on Add candidate on the Manage Candidate module to add individual candidates to an online exam,