A subject teacher needs to enter the marks of the students after the examination. This process is made easy with USM. A teachers has to login with his username and password into the USM account.
Go to Menu >> My Subject
Step 1. Click on Subject's Marks Entry available under Manage Examinations.
Step 2. Select the necessary filters and click on Search.
Step 3. Either you can upload the marks of the students or you can enter the marks manually.
Step 4. Click on Upload All Subject's Marks available on step 3. The following screen appears where you can download a template or choose a file of student's marks. Click on Upload.
Step 5. And if you select Enter Marks from Step 3, they the user will be given two options: Import Marks and Enter marks.
Step 6. Click on Import Marks. This option allows the user to download template and also upload the marks.
Step 7. Click on Enter marks to enter the marks manually. The user can also mark the attendance of the student. Click on save to save