Step 1 : When you click on Subjects under Manage Subjects sub module under Manage App Data Module, below window will be shown to your screen.

Step 2. Click on the option Add New Subject on the top right of the screen.

Step 3: Fill up the form.

Here the user can also select the mode of the exam(Practical or theory or both) according to the subject. For example Science subject requires both practical and theory exam,  check on the box next to the options next to the Exam Mode.

If the subject ( for example Library) requires no exam then click on the No Exam option.

Click on the Save Changes option on the bottom right of the dialog box.

Step 4 : You can import subjects from last session by click on Import Subjects.

Step 5 : When you click on Import Subjects a popup window open on your screen as shown in below screen.

Step 6 : After filling the form click on Import option on the bottom right of the dialog box. All subjects will import to your current session.