USM also allow you to admit a student to a course without registration. This function is available in the Admission Module, which is accessible via Menu Bar present on the top right of the dashboard screen. 

Step 1. Click on the Admission Module under the Menu Bar. 

Step 2. Click on the New Admission option from the menu on the left sidebar.

Step 3. Click on the Skip to Direct Admission option from the dialog box. 

Step 4. Select the vacancy for which the students is to be admitted from the dropdown menu under Select Vacancy.Step 5. Click on the New Admission option, which will appear only after you've selected the vacancy. 

Step 6. Fill the Student Details Form, and click on the Next option on the top right of the form once you've filled up the form. 

Step 7. Tick all the documents that have been submitted by the student and click on the Next option on the mid right of the screen. 

Step 8. Assign the fee structure to the student and check it carefully. Click on Payment Received & Admitted option if the payment has been made, else click on Admit without Payment option. 

Step 9. Once a student has been admitted, USM will inform you about it, as below. Click on Click here to take print out of the fee receipt, if you wish to print out the receipt form. Or, you can also click on the Next option to take a printout of the fee receipt.

Step 10.  Check the fee receipt carefully and click on the Print option at the bottom of the fee receipt.